How to become a member of the Italian Reproducibility Network
To renew, simply pay the fee and send an e-mail with a copy of the payment to
To register for ITRN, you need to send an email to with your name, surname, and type and duration of your subscription. You can sign in as a student, a researcher, an endorser, or in representation of an institution. You can also sign in for 1 year or for 3 years at a discounted rate (see below).
As an example:
I [Surname and name of applicant] would like to be a member of ITRN
Requested Membership: [select the category and the 1 or 3 year fee]
We had no fees until December 2022. Since we became a Registered Association, we need to face some costs and therefore a fee was necessary. These are the fees for 2024:
🖵 new 🖵 renewal • Institutional° 1 year 250€
🖵 new 🖵 renewal • Endorser 1 year ≥ 100€
🖵 new 🖵 renewal • Researcher/Professor/Clinician* 1 year 30€ or 3 year 75€
🖵 new 🖵 renewal • Student^ 1 year 20€ or 3 year 45€
°Institutional membership does not include the membership of individual belonging to the istitution. But, if an individual wants to become, a regular member and is part of an istitution that has already paid dues as an institutional member, that individual will only have to pay €5 as a personal membership fee for the same year.
*Researcher, University Professor, PostDoc, Research assistant, Professional in the health area, Professional in the technical area, Librarian, Administrative, etc.
^Student in university courses, doctorate, specialisation, postgraduate school etc.
After acceptance of the application by the ITRN Steering Committee, a confirmation email will be sent.
In order to finalise your registration, you will then have to pay the membership fee, based on the information above
By bank transfer (Tramite bonifico bancario)
Coordinates for Bank Transfer
Beneficiario: Italian Reproducibility Network
Causale: Quota Associativa ITRN “Cognome e Nome” anno (indicare l'anno o anni)
IBAN IT73U0306909606100000192818
Sede: Banca Intesa San Paolo - Via Mantova, 19, 38122 Trento
To finalise your registration, please send a copy of your payment by email to